My Investment portfolio – updated as on April - 2018
My Investment portfolio – updated as on April - 2018 Retire Early Plan (REP) is not an easy task for everyone, but investing regularly is a thing that boosts your plan for the Early Retirement. Investment Portfolio is nothing but, the aspect on our current Financial or Physical assets. Assets on Investment Portfolio describes everything like Stocks and Equity related funds, Debt Securities, Bank Savings and Deposits, Real Estate Property, Gold and any other alternate investments. So, it belongs to the transactions and current positions on this regard. On this Post, you can notify the investment portfolio looks with some diversification. As, i had said earlier that i am not investing in Gold and it's my personal view. I had a few changes on my Debt Funds and Bank Deposits. The Increase in Debt Funds were slightly change the percent in my Bank Savings or Deposits. I had also bought some equity shares on my account in the month of march and April 2018. I am believing that more than