Has the Corporate Tax cut for Companies increased its Profitability ?
Has the Corporate Tax cut for Companies increased its Profitability ? There are two changes were made in the last month on behalf of the Ministry of Finance - Corporate Tax Cut and Reduced on GST rates on several products. As a result of the above, the Indian Stock Market had rose for two days with more than 1 Percent on Index. The measures were said to boost the Economy and raise the Investments. Now, the Tax rates for the Companies went down to 22 Percent from the earlier 30 Percent. In few sectors, there is a weak demand consumption and increased in Products led to a Slow down recently. And also this affected the sales of Large Companies. Weak Demand Consumption in a developing Country like India, is not a favorable one for the Capital Market. The Current economy needs its real demand and investments. Employment created through Subsidies by the Government is not a real growth, as it needs the own path to Create Jobs and Earnings. Tax Reductions, Changes in Government policies and L