What is your Margin of Safety - Personal Finance Lessons
What is your Margin of Safety - Personal Finance Lessons The so-called 'Margin of Safety' is not limited to stocks traded on the Stock Exchange. We need Safety and precautionary measures in the events we encounter on a regular day basis. As we approach Health and Economic issues, the question arises as to whether we have done this before. We have been hearing lines like 'Small drops make an Ocean', 'Prevention is better than Cure' for a long time. But in realty and practice, we fail to implement it and then get into trouble. Examine for yourself what your current status in the Following questions... If you or someone in your family has an unexpected Health or Financial problem, what is your immediate solution you have to overcome it ? If you are experiencing loss of a Job, what is your next Plan you have ? What is your Emergency Fund ? What is your 'All Time Prevention mode' Strategy ? We have been saving in a single instrument for a long time and con