Global Debt - is it creating a Bubble ?
Global Debt - is it creating a Bubble ? We are currently playing in the Recession 2020 globally. Despite the worldwide covid-19 impact, there are few factors that are heading to hurt the economy as worst. The Trade between two nation, Oil Crisis and the border violations are the key factors that due to the Economy. The Global debt is on the rise. The USD 20 Trillion(GDP) United States, had an external debt of 120 Percent to its GDP. The Public Debt is also increasing to 97 Percent to its GDP. The Second biggest economy, USD 14 Trillion China had an external debt of 17 Percent to its debt as comparing to the Emerging Nations, it is said to be the lowest level. However the Public debt to GDP is around 53 Percent. Japan had a highest public debt of 282 Percent to it's Debt. On it's external Debt it was around 97 Percent. Germany have a high external debt of 174 Percent to the GDP. The worst hit on United Kingdom is the public debt to GDP stood at 105 Percent and the External Debt