Market Trading Hours of the Major Stock Exchanges - Global Equity Market

Market Trading Hours of the Major Stock Exchanges - Global Equity Market Looking at the Global Stock Market Participation as per the FY 2022-23 Data, more than 55 Percent of the Total population in US invests directly in the Equity Market. This is about 33 Percent in the United Kingdom, 13 Percent in China and around 2 Percent in Brazil. In India, the contribution is around 3 Percent of the Total population, at the same time when looking at households, it is about 17 Percent participation in the Indian Equity Market. While there are many reasons for the low penetration(Participation) in the Stock Market in India, the most common and widely cited factor by the common public, it's Market Trading Hours. Generally, the Market Trading hours in India would starts from 09:15 AM and ended at 03:30 PM during Monday to Friday(Week Days). Most of the people on this duration and days were engaged with their Corporate Job or Regular Profession. As the common public thinking that, ...